Article published on February 05, 2023

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New Book by Germain Decelles proposes Questions, Reflections & Answers to help young and old discover how to be successful in life!

To realize your potential in life you need a detailed development program that will enable you to succeed in life. That is the purpose of My Success Is Your Success - To help you to develop a clear and detailed program for your personal growth and happiness in life.

Montréal, Canada – February 5, 2023 – Mr. Germain Decelles, author and respected Change Management Strategist, tells in his new book released today why success is so important and necessary in shaping up an accomplished life.

All the challenges we face right now are pressuring us to look differently at ourselves, to sharpen and deepen our attention. To succeed in life, you must develop a plan that will allow you to succeed without forgetting that your success will always be linked to the people around you in your private, professional and community life.

Of course, we all want to succeed in life. We all want to be able to live our dream life away from all the struggles and constant worry of our everyday problems.

We all have different definitions of success, but for most people success can mean that you want to live a happy, wealthy, contented and overall better life than the one you currently live in, especially if it is far from the life anticipated.

If now you are not there yet, or you would like to be there, and you feel within yourself that you will succeed by putting in the necessary effort to achieve your goals, then it will eventually happen.

Mon succès est votre succès

Now however you define success whether family, financial, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, philanthropic, community or political, the most important thing you need to know about success to be successful is that success is important and that you are solely responsible for it.

This book urges readers to be completely open and transparent as they look inside themselves to answer the tough questions about what they think they need to do to succeed in life.

The book, targeting student, parent, workers, educators, retirees, shows that you are never too young or too old to achieve success. It shows how to become great in any endeavor, whether it be in your career, with your family or in your community. Furthermore, it shows how to use the unique strengths you were born with and develop them to the fullest, while acknowledging and learning from your shortcomings.

Many self-help books offer a quick fix that usually only involves a few simple steps to follow. Unfortunately, in reality, a person's development usually doesn't work that way, and one rarely becomes a person who excels just by reading this type of book. To realize your potential in life, you need a detailed development program that will enable you to shape your future for success. That is the purpose of My Success Is Your Success - to help the reader to develop a clear and detailed program, for his or her personal growth and happiness in life.

The book through questions, quotes and reflections provides the necessary elements for the reader to explore his soul, to find out who he really is, what his true passions are and how he can become more efficient and effective, so he can shape his own success, and then help those around him do the same. Remember that success is all about team efforts!

Mon succès est votre succès

This book is the result of forty years of experience acquired with local and international organizations and companies and during consultancy, change management, transition and marketing services.

This 404-page personal development book was published by WebTech Publishing and is available online in English, North American French and European versions. For more information and to view the flip book, visit webtechPublishing.

About the Author

In addition to writing, Germain Decelles acts as Change Management Strategist. He has over 40 years of business and consultation experience with local and international markets, including sectors such as retail trade, distribution, information technology and communications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, and government organizations.

Other publications: ISO Pour Tous – Le manuel d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de projet d’affaires – Le changement POUR TOUS Change your future, now! – Mon succès est votre succès.

Press Contact

Germain Decelles, o.s.j.

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