Article published on April 12, 2023


Mon succès est votre succès


Developing strong communication skills is essential to building a successful career and plays a key role in private life.

Using, improving, and showcasing your communication skills can help you succeed.

Although communication itself seems simple, often when we try to establish communication with others, there is always a possibility of misunderstanding which could cause conflicts and frustrations in personal or professional life in relation to others.

In this modern age in which we live, we receive, send, and process a large number of messages every day. But successful communication is much more than sharing information. It is also an understanding of the feelings behind this information.

Successful communication can deepen relationships in our personal or professional lives, helping us to better understand the people and situations that occur daily.

Developing communication skills can help us avoid conflict, compromise, and make better decisions.

For example, employees today expect to be informed about all aspects of the business and not to miss any important information. They expect leaders to regularly communicate their roles and goals. They expect continuous feedback on their work, and they expect to be able to find the information they need in seconds.

Leaders who successfully communicate organizational values and goals to their employees have much lower turnover rates.

Although we can develop certain communication skills, communication is more effective when it is spontaneous than when it follows certain quickly applied formulas.

It takes time and effort to develop such skills and become a good communicator.

The more effort and practice, the more spontaneous and instinctive the communication skills will be.

Below you will find some tips for developing the communication skills that are so important to your success.

1.     Active listening: active listening means paying close attention to the people you are communicating with, by engaging with them, asking questions, and asking to rephrase or clarify.


Practicing active listening can build respect for others and increase understanding at work and in life in general.

As you actively listen, focus on the person conversing with you, avoiding distractions such as mobile phones, computers, or other projects, while preparing questions, comments, or ideas to respond in a meaningful way.

2.     The communication method: using the right medium of communication is an important skill. There are pros and cons to exchanging through emails, letters, phone calls, in-person meetings, or instant messages.


Communicating is best, when you consider your audience, the information you want to share, and how best to share it.


There are many methods to communicate clearly to ensure that no communication problems arise.


For example, with non-verbal communication, you can send wordless messages with your tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions, and other methods.

To be successful, you need to go into more details about the ways of communicating, for example, by sharpening your skills on how to actively listen, how to consider your audience, about body language, gestures, paralanguage, facial expressions.

Also, you will need to explore written communication, visual communication, friendly traits like honesty and kindness, empathy, respect, the ability to react quickly, etc.

Success doesn't come easily, and communication is one of the most important pillars. Your doubtful?

Read one of Tony Robbins's great quotes, « To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. »

Find out more about how to « communicate » with My Success Is Your Success. The book through questions, quotes and reflections provides the necessary elements to explore all about motivation so to shape your success and help those around you do the same. Remember that success is all about team efforts!

Mon succès est votre succès

This book is the result of forty years of experience acquired with local and international organizations and companies and during consultancy, change management, transition and marketing services.

This 404-page personal development book was published by WebTech Publishing and is available online in English, North American French and European versions. For more information and to view the flip book, visit webtechPublishing.

About the Author

In addition to writing, Germain Decelles acts as Change Management Strategist. He has over 40 years of business and consultation experience with local and international markets, including sectors such as retail trade, distribution, information technology and communications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, and government organizations.

Other publications: ISO Pour Tous – Le manuel d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de projet d’affaires – Le changement POUR TOUS Change your future, now! – Mon succès est votre succès.

Press Contact

Germain Decelles, o.s.j.

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