Article published on July 5, 2023


Mon succès est votre succès


Your attitude determines how you live your life. Even if, at a given time, your choices of action are limited, your choices regarding your attitude are not.

Always opt for a positive attitude and thus you will better manage the stress of life.

If you have a positive mental mindset, you can deal with stress and negative situations in a much healthier way. A positive attitude makes you happier and more resilient, it improves your relationships and even increases your chances of success in any endeavor.

Having a positive attitude naturally leads to a more optimistic outlook on life. Rather than thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, you'll feel as if like you're already on greener grass. You will see the positive side of most situations.

Surely you will face disappointments and failures more easily. They'll still be tough, but you'll get through it and bounce back. Not only that, but you'll be able to accept that things happened the way they did, rather than being in denial.

Those with a negative attitude will dwell and ruminate on negative events.

Also, you will be more sensitive and understanding towards others. With a positive attitude, you learn to see the thoughts behind people's actions and why they may have acted the way they did.

Rather than jumping to a harmful conclusion, you will be able to understand where people are coming from.
You will be more grateful. A positive attitude will teach you to be grateful for the good things in your work and in your life. You will approach each day with an appreciative mindset.

Obviously, having a positive attitude is hugely beneficial, but it's easier said than done. Having a positive attitude makes you more creative and can help you make better decisions.

To top it off, there are studies that show that people with a positive attitude live longer than their embittered counterparts.

Below, you will find some tips for creating and maintaining a positive attitude:

1. Get into a morning routine: how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Make sure you have a morning routine that boosts your attitude and puts you in a good mood so you can start your day off right.

You can start your day by dragging yourself out of bed at the last minute, rushing to get ready, then running out the door with a donut in one hand and your briefcase in the other.

Or you can start your day with good morning habits. Wake up early. Early risers reap many benefits. Some of these benefits include:

• Being able to follow your morning routine calmly and quietly instead of being rushed.
• Take time to review the planned milestones for the day and get in the right frame of mind. The quiet morning hours are a great time to get things done.
• Exercise daily, it will wake up your body and mind.

2. Carry an attitude of happiness with you: instead of waiting for outside things to make you happy, be happy and then watch how that influences the things happening around you.

That is, instead of telling yourself that something good must happen first, and then you will be happy, be happy first. Happiness is an attitude, not a situation.

3. Taste the little pleasures: life is made up of small victories and simple pleasures. With the right mental mindset, watch the sunset, eat an ice cream cone, and walk barefoot on the grass are all you need to be filled with joy.

4. Smile: a little smile will give you an instant boost. Try smiling for a minute while thinking about a happy memory or the last thing that made you smile.

The smile releases endorphins and serotonin, also called well-being hormones. It is much easier to adopt a positive attitude when the chemicals released by your body promote well-being.

5. Transpose positivity in your brain: read books with a positive message, listen to music with uplifting lyrics, and watch movies in which the central character's optimism helps him overcome obstacles and win, despite difficulties. Improve your attitude for the better by downloading as much positivity into your brain as possible.

6. Take your responsibilities: at any moment, your attitude can be one of a victim or a creator. The first step in moving from the victim mode to creator mode is to take responsibility.

This is the attitude of a creator; I create my life, I am responsible for myself, and I am the master of my destiny.

7. Have a Zen attitude: think of life not as something that happens to you, but as something is happening for you. Look at every difficult situation, person or event as a lesson that has been introduced into your life to teach you something.

The next time you ask yourself: Why is this happening to me? Choose a Zen attitude instead. Ask yourself: am I supposed to learn or take advantage of this? How will this help me grow and become a better, more enlightened being?

8. Be proactive: a reactive person lets others and outside events determine how they will feel. A proactive person decides how they will feel no matter what is happening around them. Be proactive in choosing your attitude and maintaining it throughout the day, regardless of what the day may bring.

9. Change your thoughts: positive thoughts lead to a positive attitude, while negative thoughts lead to a negative attitude. Changing your attitude is as simple as hitting the « pause » button on what you're thinking and choosing to have different thoughts.

10. Have a purpose: having a purpose in life gives you a fixed point on the horizon to focus on, so you can stay stable amid life's fluctuations and challenges. Giving meaning and purpose to your life by knowing why you are here will do wonders for your attitude.

11. Focus on the good: in order to have a positive attitude, focus on the good. Focus on the good in yourself, the good in your life, and the good in others.

12. Stop expecting life to be easy: the truth is, sometimes life gets tough for all of us. It can even be painful. But you are brave and resourceful, and you can handle it. Know that sometimes things won't be easy and embrace the attitude that you have what it takes to face whatever life throws at you.

13. Keep your enthusiasm: enthusiastic people have a positive attitude towards life. Have a list of ways to boost your enthusiasm, for times when you feel your zest for life is running out.

For example, positive thoughts lead to a positive attitude, while negative thoughts lead to a negative attitude. Changing your attitude is as simple as hitting the « pause » button on what you're thinking and choosing to have different thoughts.

Being enthusiastic will help you maintain the attitude that life is good, and you are lucky to be alive.

14. Renounce the attitude that you are entitled to everything: stop demanding that everything be due to you. Your attitude should always be.

• It's up to me to get what I want.
• Good things come to those who work hard.
• I adapt easily and quickly to changes.
• I keep going even when the going gets tough.

15. Visualize: when things don't go your way, keep a positive attitude by visualizing yourself succeeding and achieving your goals.

16. Stop complaining: complaining about everything and anything does not encourage a positive attitude. When you complain, you say negative things about a person, place, or event, without offering a solution to resolve the situation. Instead of complaining, do this:

• Remove yourself from the situation.
• Change your perspective on the situation.
• Suggest a possible solution.
• Accept that you can't do anything to change the situation and that complaining about it only promotes negativity.

Complaining constantly leads to a bad attitude. So, stop complaining. Instead, start looking for solutions or accepting what cannot be changed.

17. Watch your sayings: use positive words when talking to yourself. Positive self-talk can boost your willpower and help lift your spirits when you need to complete a difficult task. Plus, it can calm you down when you're worried or anxious.

18. Use the power of humor: people who know how to laugh at themselves and at life's nonsense have a terrific attitude. Your sense of humor is a powerful tool, and you can use it to improve your mood and emotional state at any time.

When something goes wrong, ask yourself: what's funny about it?
Such a perspective will have a positive effect on your attitude.

19. Use gratitude to improve your attitude: when you focus on what's wrong in your life, what you don't have, or what you lack, adjust your attitude by feeling grateful.

An attitude of gratitude benefits all aspects of your life: being grateful improves your health, mood, relationships, job satisfaction, and more.

If you need an attitude change, just think of all the things to be grateful for.

20. Develop an attitude of curiosity: the best way to approach any situation is to be open to what you can learn from it by being curious.

Curiosity gives you a present moment orientation that is similar to mindfulness. Being curious about a situation allows you to experience it more fully. Additionally, curiosity will help you approach uncertainty in your daily life with a positive attitude.

21. Look for people with a positive attitude: positive attitude is contagious when you feel as if like you need an attitude boost, find people with a good attitude, and find an excuse to hang out with them. Their positive attitudes can only rub off on you and you can face the world with renewed optimism.

Your attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards you. The tips above will help you always maintain a positive attitude. Live a better life, by always adopting a positive attitude.

Find out more about « positive attitude » with My Success Is Your Success. The book through questions, quotes and reflections provides the necessary elements to explore all about motivation so to shape your success and help those around you do the same. Remember that success is all about team efforts!

Mon succès est votre succès

This book is the result of forty years of experience acquired with local and international organizations and companies and during consultancy, change management, transition and marketing services.

This 404-page personal development book was published by WebTech Publishing and is available online in English, North American French and European versions. For more information and to view the flip book, visit webtechPublishing.

About the Author

In addition to writing, Germain Decelles acts as Change Management Strategist. He has over 40 years of business and consultation experience with local and international markets, including sectors such as retail trade, distribution, information technology and communications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, and government organizations.

Other publications: ISO Pour Tous – Le manuel d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de projet d’affaires – Le changement POUR TOUS Change your future, now! – Mon succès est votre succès.

Press Contact

Germain Decelles, o.s.j.

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