Article published on Oct. 04, 2023


Mon succès est votre succès


Along your path to success, you are going to meet people who will try to pump your energy in any way they can, with the result that you will feel tired, even drained.

If you scratch a little in your memories, you will surely remember having already suffered such situations before.

To achieve an experience of health, happiness, and prosperity, you must recognize the different types of people who will try to rob you of your well-being throughout your life. Doctor Stéphane Clerget psychiatrist has identified them for you.

Below, you will find a series of excerpts from interviews and comments concerning the book « Psychic vampires, how to recognize them, how to escape them » by Doctor Stéphane Clerget psychiatrist, available from Arthème Fayard. I suggest you get this book.

Have you ever had the feeling of having been « vampirized » by a colleague, a stranger, a relation, or a parent?

You then feel tired, even drained. You come to understand that you are being used by this person, and that you give them, or they take you, without receiving anything in return. You are the victim of a psychic vampire.

Psychic vampires need to feed on your physical and emotional energy, whether it's a vital need related to their psychological functioning or simply out of opportunism.
For the one who is a victim, it is a kind of mental drainage that begins. Unlike narcissistic perverts, vampires don't want to destroy you. On the contrary, they need you.

So, faced with their voracity, you have to be able to adopt defense strategies.

And since they can adopt very different appearances and personalities, which makes it difficult to identify them at first glance.

So, it is suggested to try to understand them to protect yourself from them.

However, upon informing yourself of this psychic situation, you realize that you may also sometimes be a psychic vampire yourself.

Stéphane Clerget « The psychic vampire deprives its victim of all energy. » They drain our energy, ask for advice and services, but give nothing in return. In the family, at work or as a couple, « psychic vampires » are psychologically and emotionally exhausting.

How to live with them?

They do not suck our blood but suck our vitality. In both professional and personal life, « psychic vampires » take advantage of us, monopolize our ideas, exhaust us with all kinds of demands.


Psychiatrist Stéphane Clerget's comparison seems most relevant for several reasons. With a psychic vampire as with a « real » vampire, the victims feel exhausted, drained of their energy. The vampire is a universal myth. There are also, psychic vampires everywhere and at all times.


One can also wonder if these personalities did not inspire the myths. Finally, psychic vampires can't stand being exposed. When they are discovered, they lose all power.


1.     What are the salient personality traits of the psychic vampire?

We speak of « casual vampirism » when a person particularly likes to attract attention, by talking loudly in a restaurant or at work, for example.


There is a deeper form of vampirism. Within the couple, in the family, the vampire uses our energy for his benefit. It perverts a central notion in human relations, that of exchange. She or he takes without ever giving back.


2.     What warning signs should be kept in mind?

Bear in mind that psychic vampires do not want to harm us. They even have every interest in preserving us.


They will therefore constantly seek to capture our attention, our listening. They « ask to be reassured » and things often have to be done for them. When one systematically gives up one's needs and one's personal pleasure for someone else's benefit, one must be concerned.


3.     Why do these people need to « steal » their loved ones?

Some just don't like to give. They are selfish. These cases are rare. Psychic vampires are more often very dependent people, unable to rejuvenate themselves emotionally and intellectually.


This may be the result of a childhood when the parents gave too much because they did not learn affective autonomy. The result is a « profound lack of self-confidence. » Still, this is in no way an excuse to « vampirize» others!


« Psychic Vampires must have a seductive personality for you to be able to give in to them... » Indeed, some of them have a great power of seduction. They use their charms to « vampirize » us, especially in the couple. We are increasingly wary of these people, who are often mistaken for « narcissistic perverts. »


The majority of psychic vampires play on our natural tendency to compassion, humanity and tenderness. More than great seducers, they behave like little children whom we would like to take care of.


4.     What is the ideal victim's personality type?

These are people who naturally have a lot of empathy, a propensity for affection. They think they can give endlessly.


Some even feel valued by these incessant requests. They feel as if they're important in this « vampire-vampirized » relationship.


They may be people who fear that they will not be loved or who feel that they have been spoiled by life, that they have received too much.


This imagined guilt leads them to want to « fix » others. It gives meaning to their lives.


5.     Should we then be wary of everyone to avoid being « vampirize? »  

Of course not!

We must not conclude that we must not help anyone, but in order to give, we must preserve ourselves.


Some people get eaten alive without even realizing their relationships aren't healthy.


To avoid getting there, it is important to learn to say stop in time.

6.     How to get out of anxiety-provoking relationships with a psychic vampire? 

Being aware of this is already a first step. Of course, we can continue to give, but not as much. It is better to « measure » what you transmit and what you keep for yourself.


The main thing is to bring things to light, to talk to those around you to make the power of the psychic vampire inoperative.


In addition, we can express his feelings to him, explain the effects produced by his behavior, bearing in mind that he will probably continue to cling, by pressing where it hurts: whether it is our tendency to guilt, the need to be loved, the debt that we feel we have towards him, etc.


Finally, if the break is obviously not mandatory, you have to allow yourself to come to this conclusion if you can no longer do otherwise.


7.     Can the psychic vampire, him, regain autonomy? 

It is often difficult.

If we feel in this case, we can try to understand why we are there, how our childhood has conditioned our behavior?

Vampirism can be treated very well with psychotherapy. Its analytical dimension makes it possible to delve into the roots of evil in order to become independent and, finally, to be free.

8.     How do you recognize an affective vampire?

Incapable of recharging their batteries emotionally and intellectually, having no affective autonomy, they do not know how to give or listen.


Often egocentric, in the position of victims, overstretching, in search of the slightest attention, they exhaust those around them, miserly of reciprocity and gratitude.


Whether it is a colleague who appropriates the work of another and steals the show, a hierarchical superior who arrogates the ideas of his collaborators, a loved one or a romantic partner in constant demand, psychic vampires, present several typical profiles:


·         The depressive or the plaintive: he tells his misfortunes all day long, seeing everything in black.

·         The tragedian or the victim: his life is a permanent tragedy, a succession of dramas.

·         The critic: he already knows everything. Nothing is good enough for him. He criticizes everything.

·         The tireless speaker: he pours out his thoughts, his emotions, his feelings without being interested in those of others perceived as simple receptacles.

·         The egocentric or the narcissist: he seeks to be admired, to make the world revolve around him.

·         The indifferent: he closes in on himself and lets the other, exhaust himself questioning him, making him feel guilty.

·         The snooper or interrogator: he questions everything. He has an unhealthy curiosity. He is jealous of everything.

·         The aggressive or the bully: he constantly complains, threatens, imposes, attacks, oppresses.

·         The sarcastic or the ironic: it ridicules everything. For him, nothing matters. It reduces all action to nothing.

9.     What are the consequences for their victims?

The most empathetic, the great helpers, the very attentive people are their ideal victims.


Pouring their fear, hatred, unhappiness, bitterness, endless questions or demands on their victims, psychic vampires exhaust them on all levels (physical, emotional, or psychological).


From headaches to back pain to symptoms of depression without the sadness, the negative consequences are many.


Dragging their victims into a negative spiral, they end up draining them of their positive energy or « converting » them to the forms of this ordinary vampirism (criticism, negativity, derision, etc.).


10.  How to guard against it or detach yourself from it?

A few elementary principles, although difficult to apply in the first instance, should govern professional, friendly, or romantic relationships:


·         Remain lucid about the nature of relationships. Listen to your intuition, realize the emotional, psychological, and physical consequences of each relationship.

·         Do not trust appearances (kindness, seduction, victims…).

·         Become aware of flattery, not constantly finding excuses or being careful not to open the door to harmful relationships out of naivety, fear, desire to please, need for attention or guilt.

·         Maintaining a critical sense, remaining firm and true to oneself.

·         Maintain self-respect and self-esteem.

·         Stay pragmatic, set limits and balance.

·         Limit contacts or end one-way relationships.

·         Surround yourself with positive people.

·         Prioritize harmonious and balanced relationships.


Do not overvalue others, stop devaluing yourself, forgive past mistakes, renounce perfection, and opt for authenticity, harmony and balance are necessary for the development of confidence and self-esteem.


This can be instrumental, in not being drawn into or seduced by toxic personalities that can cause severe emotional, psychological, and physical damage.


Psychic energy is invisible energy that can be channeled and shielded to its full potential, but also risks being « vampirized » or spent for nothing.


11.  How do I know if I am a psychic vampire?

Psychic vampires are not easy to recognize because they mean us no harm, so we don't worry about them, yet it is indeed a « toxic relationship» in which our energy is fully absorbed.

·         It feeds on everything that can be brought to it: whether on an emotional, affective, or energetic level. You feel weak without any more energy and vivacity both physically and psychologically.

·         He is always asking for attention: he is in demand of the slightest attention he can receive. In short, he sucks the oxygen out of the other.

·         It depends on you: he systematically solicits you at the slightest difficulty... So beware, you may be « vampirized. »

It is up to you to consider the limit between simple help or persistent solicitation. The psychic vampire needs you and tends to overstretch you, it's up to you to determine your limits so as not to be overwhelmed.

·         He places himself in the position of victim: he does this to arouse your empathy so that you always give him more.

·         He does not feel empathy: the day he can no longer feed on the other, he abandons it. He turns to empathetic people, who invest a lot in others.

If you are this type of person, you may be dealing with a psychic vampire.

12.  Psychic vampires or narcissistic pervert, how to tell the difference?

We hear a lot about « narcissistic perverts, » but the psychic vampire is another type of toxic profile, which is much less rare. According to psychiatrist Stéphane Clerget, the latter are not only more numerous, but also very different from the famous narcissistic perverts.

The psychic vampire does not seek to manipulate the other with the intention of destroying him. On the contrary, he must be able to continue to suck the energy of the other, so he will never wish him harm.

Moreover, we feel pity for the psychic vampire, but we do not pity the narcissistic pervert. On the contrary, we expect empathy from him.

13.  How do you cure a psychic vampire?

It is often difficult. If we feel like this, we can try to understand why we are here, how has our childhood conditioned our behavior?

Vampirism can be treated very well with psychotherapy.


Remember that by recognizing such behaviors and trying to stop them, you are protecting yourself, your health, and your overall well-being. No one deserves to be mistreated or used in this way. It's definitely not your fault.

There will always be some people who refuse to take responsibility for their own emotional maturity. You don't have to carry that burden.

Know how to perceive this psychic dimension, so that you can adjust the shot to ensure that it does not harm your well-being and your path to success.

Find out more about « stress » with My Success Is Your Success. The book through questions, quotes and reflections provides the necessary elements to explore all about motivation so to shape your success and help those around you do the same. Remember that success is all about team efforts!

Mon succès est votre succès

This book is the result of forty years of experience acquired with local and international organizations and companies and during consultancy, change management, transition and marketing services.

This 404-page personal development book was published by WebTech Publishing and is available online in English, North American French and European versions. For more information and to view the flip book, visit webtechPublishing.

About the Author

In addition to writing, Germain Decelles acts as Change Management Strategist. He has over 40 years of business and consultation experience with local and international markets, including sectors such as retail trade, distribution, information technology and communications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, and government organizations.

Other publications: ISO Pour Tous – Le manuel d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de projet d’affaires – Le changement POUR TOUS Change your future, now! – Mon succès est votre succès.

Press Contact

Germain Decelles, o.s.j.

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