Article published on Jan. 24, 2024

29_Moral values_En.pdf

Mon succès est votre succès


How someone approaches ethics is fundamentally tied, to whom they are as a person. If a person has good morals, it is because of his virtues and his ethics.

Whether you are a parent, spouse, student, small business owner, worker, civil servant, politician, or professional such as a doctor, engineer, lawyer, good character is essential to successful relationships.

To understand what constitutes a moral character, you must understand the meaning of ethics, which involves moral principles or values.

The decisions you make on a daily basis can have a positive or negative impact on many people.

To develop good moral character, an individual must analyze the consequences of exercising bad moral character and perform actions that are ethically correct.

If there is no trust between you and your family, at work or socially, miscommunication, dishonesty, conflicts can arise. An untrustworthy person keeps you in doubt while a trustworthy person reassures you.

For example, if a person lies about a particular situation, it puts you on your guard and soon you find yourself doubting everything they say. Because of his dishonesty, you are now questioning his moral character.

This also applies to how you treat others. If someone doesn't trust you, they probably won't, for example, commit to doing business with you.

If you demonstrate a sound moral character towards your relationships and treat them with respect, you are likely to retain their respect and high regard. The people who talk to you should also have these traits. For example, if your ethics are sound, but an employee disrespect or lies to your customers, it will be difficult to build customer loyalty.

Specifically, getting customers through decent prices and quality products can be easy, but how you serve those customers will determine whether you'll retain them. This also applies to employees, your family, and friends. If you treat them well, they are more likely to stay with you.

Individuals with a strong moral character have a high degree of certainty about their actions. They have, in mind, a clearly recognized objective and the methods necessary to achieve these objectives. Anxiety and nervousness are concepts that are foreign to them.

Moreover, people with a strong moral character chart their own path to success and never waste time contemplating unnecessary topics. Such individuals do not invent excuses to cover their backs.

A strong moral character is also instrumental in developing effective leadership qualities. They are visionary with a « can do » attitude.

They tackle the impossible, face problems and obstacles head-on, and make decisions that position them successfully for the future.

Humility is another trait possessed by people with strong moral character. They put aside their egos and self-interests and strive to work in ways that achieve the highest good for all.

Even if they fail or partially succeed in their endeavor, they are not deterred from achieving their goals and instead pursue them with even greater vigor.

People with strong moral character also become positive role models for others. They set the benchmark for excellence and their lives become an inspiration to others.

This is so because those who form a strong moral character conscientiously adhere to moral values through their actions and personal conduct and do not resort to a pompous and contrived style.

Simply put, moral character is perhaps best described as the set of dispositions or characteristics of a person that play a role in how the person, morally speaking, behaves. Moral character is therefore the edifice on which an individual's personal identity rests.

It is our moral character that determines who we are and what actions we take.

You might wonder why it's not always easy to admit a mistake, to persevere in difficult times, or to keep every promise you make. It is not always comfortable to convey the hard truth or to defend one's convictions.

In the short term, it may not be beneficial to distance yourself from a questionable relationship. But, in the long run, doing the right thing is the clear path to success and happiness. Morality matters!

There are far more details to assimilate and cannot be expended in a simple article. I suggest that you explore chapter 12 of the book « My success is your success. »


Mon succès est votre succès

This book is the result of forty years of experience acquired with local and international organizations and companies and during consultancy, change management, transition and marketing services.

This 404-page personal development book was published by WebTech Publishing and is available online in English, North American French and European versions. For more information and to view the flip book, visit webtechPublishing.

About the Author

In addition to writing, Germain Decelles acts as Change Management Strategist. He has over 40 years of business and consultation experience with local and international markets, including sectors such as retail trade, distribution, information technology and communications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, and government organizations.

Other publications: ISO Pour Tous – Le manuel d’information ISO – Le guide de préparation ISO – La gestion du changement en affaires – La gestion de projet d’affaires – Le changement POUR TOUS Change your future, now! – Mon succès est votre succès.

Press Contact

Germain Decelles, o.s.j.

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