b"TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE b.Learn from your failures: every person, no matter how dedicated or prodigiously talented, will face setbacks on the road to success. How you react to these setbacks will define you and those around you. In life, you just have to remember whether you win or lose, you never lose, because above all you will learn!c.Embrace the discomfort: either way, you're going to have to tackle the problems you've never encountered before. This feeling of discomfort is perfectly normal, and it should not bother you.Meeting challenges successfully will demonstrate your ability to handle whatever life throws at you. Each milestone you reach proves that you can do it and that success is within your reach. The more you tackle discomfort head-on, the less you will fear new challenges. Make discomfort an ally. d.Embracethewordno:ifyourdefaultanswertosocialand professionalquestionsisyes,youareopeningyourselfupto stretching too much. Our natural inclination is to keep people happy. This feeling can be amplified when trying to build relationships and take the first hesitant steps.Sayingyesfirst and thinking about it later, is likely to overwhelm you and even wear you out as you try to cover more ground than you can handle.Thefailuresyousufferbecauseyouaretooeagertopleasecan contribute to eroding your self-confidence. Respect your own time, sanity, and resources by learning to say no when appropriate.e.Celebrate every victory: it's important to take the time to recognize your victories, no matter how small. Whether it's the completion of a job,acontract,orevensomegoodnews,giveyourselfalittle celebration to validate your hard work.Germain Decelles119"