b"HOW TO ACHIEVE WELLNESS d.Cultivate your personal discipline: average people revel in delight at the slightest success, but great people celebrate their victories and keep spurring themselves on to, greater accomplishments. If you wish to turn your goodness into greatness, you must cultivate personal discipline. Be moderate with pleasure and focus your energy and resources on, building bigger dreams.e.Set more ambitious goals: set yourself ambitious goals, big goals that will take yououtof your comfortzone. To reacha higher level of success, you need to set bigger goals that can stretch your abilities. You cannot recognize your abilities until you place greater demands on yourself. Therefore, turn goodness into greatness by constantly pushing your limits. Set ambitious goals, enterprising goals that will take you out of your comfort zone.So, don't feel comfortable living a good life, but turn goodness into greatness by continuously developing yourself, pursuing your passion, setting higher goals, making a meaningful impact on society. Then you can tell yourself that you are livinga beautiful life. Recommended reading and references We suggest that you consult the works identified below in order to learn more about the particularities contained in this chapter.BOYES, Alice, PhDs. THE ANXIETY TOOLKIT. Perigee Book. ISBN: 978-0-399-16925-0BRIDGES, William. MANAGING TRANSITION.Perseus Books. ISBN: 13-978-0-7382-0824-4PETER, L. J & HULL, R. LE PRINCIPE DE PETER ; Pourquoi tout va toujours mal? ditions Stock, 1970. ISBN 70-11-682-850-1580.DR STPHANE CLERGET : Les vampires psychiques. Fayard. ISBN 782213704371 SELYE, Hans, Dr STRESS SANS DTRESSE. La Presse. ISBN 0-7777-0095-6SILLS, Judith. OSER CHANGER. Stank. ISBN: 2-7604-0481-1THE NEW YORKER. THE COMPLETE CARTOONS OF.Black Dog Press. ISBN 1-57912-322-8. Germain Decelles339"