b"FACILITATE POSITIVE EXCHANGES 11.Treat everyone equally: weare all equalhuman beings, regardlessof gender, race, religion, political affiliation, or any other factor.Love and care for people without regard to those irrelevant factors which have no influence on the quality of a person.Treat others as they wish to be treated, regardless of their background to inspire trust. 12.Walk confidently: keep your head up and eyes forward so you can say; Helloorhow are you?to everyone you meet. Walk with a friendly gait that reflects confidence.13.Keep Calm: how people react to insults or criticism speaks volumes about their ability to inspire others. If you respond to hate with more hate, how are you better than the person who triggered the confrontation?No matter how inappropriate or harsh an insult was, it's best to stay calm, because getting upset, won't make you feel better, and it certainly won't inspire the people around you.Ignoreinsultsasiftheydidn'thappen,andthosewhowitnessyour unwavering nature may be inspired to do the same.If it is a serious insult, keep calm. There will always be a good time to try to discuss it or bring in a referee to put the situation into perspective.14.Share your inspirations: what are the books that have influenced you, the most? Whatarethesourcesofinspirationthatguidethemostimportant decisions of your life?How did you become the happy, healthy, positive person you are today?Share the influences that shaped you, so others can benefit too.15.Acknowledge the contributions of others: no matter how great you are, you are only one person, so make sure other people have contributed to your success or not, before praising it.Acknowledgecontributionspublicly,ifpossible,toshowpeopleyou're humble and thoughtful enough to give credit where it's due.Germain Decelles157"