b"YOUR SUCCESS IS BASED ON COMMON SENSE Practice honesty, but never use it to hurt others. You can be right about something, but wrong about how you say it. Be honest and show people that they can count on your honesty. If they know you're honest, they'll learn to trust you.8.Give a helping hand or lend a listening ear: be prepared to offer help to someone in need if you are looking for ways to be respectful. If you see someone in distress, strike up a conversation and listen. This will give the other a chance to share their issues with you. Don't overlook opportunities to help, because a cry of distress is genuine and should be heard by a compassionate person.Take responsibility and help out if you want to feel respected. Don't wait for someone to approach you and ask for help. You can help by doing simplethingslikehelpinganelderlypersoncrossthestreet,helping another employee with their workload or simply donating your clothes to a shelter for disadvantaged people.Be ready to change. We all have something good and bad in our habits and behavior. Encourage the good and be prepared to change the bad if you are looking for ways to be respectful.Remember that the stubborn nature can prove your downfall, so it is best to put in the effort to learn and try something that can improve your life for the better.Give up bad habits, especially anger and resentment, because both are negativeemotionsthatcancausemoral,spiritual,intellectual, psychological damage to your interlocutors.Forgive and forget people for their transgressions. Move on and put situations behind you for your own peace of mind.On the other hand, don't make excuses for bad choices. Admit you made a mistake, and it won't happen again. Rectify your mistakes with a positive mindset if you want to be respectful. Talk to the disrespected person and admit your mistake and sincerely apologize for it. You will find inner peace and the joy of having done well with this action. Germain Decelles389"