b'Chapter 5 4.Information exchange: men speak in very objective terms for the purpose ofconveyinginformation.Thewomenusetheirartisticsenseanda theatrical vocabulary to fully express and tell their feelings.Men like to sort through their thoughts before communicating with them and tend to become aloof and uncommunicative when pondering their concerns. At this time, a woman needs reassurance that her partner still considers her worthy of care.Women like to sort out their thoughts when communicating with them and tendtopouroutalitanyofgeneralgrievanceswhentheyrelatetheir concerns.Currently,amanneedsreassurancethathispartnerstilldeemshim worthy of taking care of things. Both should try to avoid feeling personally blamed when their partner is facing problems.5.The elastic effect: men periodically rush to safety when they suddenly fear their self-sufficiency is threatened. At such times, they can become totally unapproachable, demanding the right to be on their own and not express their feelings. But, if they receive support by giving them space for a little while, they will soon feel better and return to their usual state of self-love.It can be difficult for women to deal with the suddenness and speed with which men rush for cover and then bounce back.When men withdraw into themselves, they can help their partners, not worry too much or take it personally by providing a brief assurance that they will return in due course.Womenshouldresistthetemptationtotrytobringtheirpartnerback prematurely or to criticize him for this natural behavior. Men like to sort through their thoughts before communicating with them and tend to become aloof and uncommunicativewhen pondering their concerns.At this time, a woman needs reassurance that her partner still considers her worthy of care. 174Germain Decelles'