b"Chapter 9 from accessing information about these factors. It would also be nice to suggest others do the same.5.Use checklists, algorithms, and other objective measures: they can help you focus on relevant factors and reduce the likelihood that you will be influenced by irrelevant factors.Cognitive biases are flaws in your way of thinking that can cause you to draw inaccurate conclusions. They can be harmful because they cause you to focus too much on certain types of information while neglecting other types.It's probably unrealistic to think that you can eliminate cognitive bias, but you can improve your ability to spot situations in which you'll be vulnerable to it.By learning more about how they work, slowing down your decision-making process,collaboratingwithothers,andusingchecklistsandobjective processes, you can reduce the chances of cognitive bias leading you astray. 278Germain Decelles"