b'HOW TO ACHIEVE WELLNESS If you follow a religious tradition, embrace the comfort its mourning rituals can bring you. Spiritual activities that are meaningful to you, such as prayer, meditation, or going to church, can bring you comfort. If you question your faith as a result of the loss, speak to a member of the clergy or others in your faith community.Grieving can make you feel isolated, even when you have loved ones around you. Sharing your grief with others who have experienced similar losses can help. To find a bereavement support group in your area, contact local hospitals, hospices, funeral homes, and health service centers.SMILE Your smile has the power to light up a room and connect with people without saying a single word. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I like to say a smile is worth a thousand words. Happiness, optimism, and love to name a few. Germain Decelles327'