b"HOW TO ACHIEVE WELLNESS He is always asking for attention: he is in demand of the slightest attention he can receive. In short, he sucks the oxygen out of the other.It depends on you: he systematically solicits you at the slightest difficulty. So beware, you may bevampirized. Itisuptoyoutoconsiderthelimitbetweensimplehelpor persistent solicitation. The psychic vampire needs you and tends to overstretch you, it's up to you to determine your limits so as not to be overwhelmed.He places himself in the position of victim: he does this to arouse your empathy so that you always give him more.He does not feel empathy: the day he can no longer feed on the other, he abandons it. He turns to empathetic people, who invest a lot in others.If you are this type of person, you may be dealing with a psychic vampire.12.Psychic vampires or narcissistic pervert, how to tell the difference? We hear a lot aboutnarcissistic perverts,but the psychic vampire is another type of toxic profile, which is much less rare. According to psychiatrist Stphane Clerget, the latter are not only more numerous, but also very different from the famous narcissistic perverts.The psychic vampire does not seek to manipulate the other with the intentionofdestroyinghim.Onthecontrary,hemustbeableto continue to suck the energy of the other, so he will never wish him harm. Moreover, we feel pity for the psychic vampire, but we do not pity the narcissistic pervert. On the contrary, we expect empathy from him.13.How do you cure a psychic vampire? It is often difficult. If we feel like this, we can try to understand why we are here, how has our childhood conditioned our behavior?Vampirism can be treated very well with psychotherapy.Remember that by recognizing such behaviors and trying to stop them, you are protecting yourself, your health, and your overall well-being. No one deserves to be mistreated or used in this way. It's definitely not your fault.Germain Decelles321"