b"FACILITATE POSITIVE EXCHANGES CHAPTER 5FACILITATE POSITIVE EXCHANGES Whether you are an employee, a boss, a teacher, a politician, a parent, or a military leader, you must at one time, or another promote positive exchanges around you.To do so, you must develop a temperament above all, which listens, inspires, motivates,influences,andpersuades.Infact,apersonwhofavorsthe exchanges around him.For many people, it is easy to yell orders, rush and even browbeat people to create an environment of fear in order to get things done. However, they are not actually success-seeking people.Peoplewhopromoteexchangesfortheirpart,setanexample,theyshow appreciation and don't let their position of authority, make them feel as if they are better than anyone else.Realize that you will not become a successful person overnight!You will have very difficult days and sometimes you may even have doubts about your ability to trade and even lead. Don't be too hard on yourself, as this is a natural part of the process.Never lose hope, keep your beliefs, and pursue your personal development, because each progressive improvement brings you a little closer to success.Your success, like that of others, depends on the interpersonal learning of the progressivemasteryoflistening,inspiration,motivation,influenceand persuasion.LISTEN TOListening is an essential aspect of success. Speak in a way that others like to listen to you. Listen in a way that others enjoy talking to you.When you take the time to listen to someone, you really take the time to listen well, because it shows that you value the person, which is the ultimate form of respect.If you seem bored or if you interrupt the person while they're talking, you show that you don't really care what the person has to say.Germain Decelles153"