b"Contents 5.Delegate responsibilities and authority:6.Check the work and provide feedback:7.Say thank you:FAMILY - 360A.The society of the last decades:B.Success starts with the family:C.Parenting is not easy:1.Boost your child's self-esteem:2.Research your children's successes:3.Set boundaries and be consistent with your discipline:4.Make time for your children:5.Be a good role model:6.Make, communication a priority:7.Be flexible and ready to adjust your parenting style:8.Show that your love is unconditional:9.Know your own needs and boundaries as a parent:CHAPTER 12Your success is based on common sense369The ability to perceive, understand and exercise judgment: 1.Trust yourself:2.Take emotion out of the equation:3.Do not complicate anything:4.Act with intelligence:UNDERSTAND COMMON SENSE - 370 1.The purpose and significance of common sense:2.How to use common sense:LEARN BASIC COMMON SENSE - 373 1.Know how to cook and know how food arrives at your table:2.Know how to grow your own food:3.Knowing how to feed:4.Know and respect your environment:5.Know how to budget and not spend more than you earn:6.Know your body's limits:7.Knowing how to analyze situations and think for yourself:8.Know how to repair objects:9.Know how to plan:10.Knowing how to be resourceful:11.Knowing how to relate to the community:12.Know how to protect yourself:13.You don't have to be very educated:22Germain Decelles"